Help/FAQ with

My Profile

  • How can I change my personal information?
  • I forgot my password, how can I get it back?
  • Why do you need so much information?
  • Why was something in my profile rejected?
  • How do I change my email address?
  • How do I modify my gender if it is incorrect in my profile?
  • How do I make sure that the correct city is in my profile?
  • My password is not working or I forgot my password.
  • It doesn't seem to save my profile information after I enter it.
  • How can I change my password?
  • change username
  • Password reset

My Photos

  • How can I upload a photo of myself?
  • How do I set my main photo?
  • My photo won't upload onto the site.
  • Can I set my photo to private?
  • APP - Photo upload process
  • Private photos

Site Features (IM, Chat, Email, Flirts)

  • How can I send a message?
  • How can I send a flirt?
  • I am receiving emails that I do not want
  • I wish to receive email alerts / newsletters
  • How do I send someone an IM?
  • Where do I find my flirts?
  • How do I block a user from emailing me?
  • How can I retrieve archived messages?
  • How do I add or remove someone from my favorites?
  • What does the NOT INTERESTED box mean on the favorites page?
  • How can I change who I receive IMs from?
  • How can I receive email notifications from your site?
  • What is Rapid Match?
  • How do I remove my profile from Rapid Match?
  • How to contact members
  • App Messaging

Membership and Billing

  • What does a free membership give me?
  • How do I deactivate my free account?
  • Why can't I complete the join form?
  • Is this a free site?
  • How come I was billed twice for this month?
  • I have tried to upgrade several times, it keeps telling me the transaction is denied
  • I just signed up and it will not let me read my emails, what is wrong?
  • How to edit card details basic member returning with new card


  • Privacy policy
  • Online safety tips
  • How do I stop receiving pop ups from this site?
  • Can I join from outside the United States?
  • Clean Data on Device
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